Fairy release #4 coming soon…

Bringing you belated news of the next Fairy Release, the 4th release of 2020. There are 5 sculptures so far, but hoping to add another to the group (always so last minute). Keep checking on social media to see more.

We would urge you to join our mailing list if you intend to start or to extend your fairy family. Our mailing list receive a link when the fairies are released. Thus giving them first change to rehome. The last few releases have sold out in under 10 minutes. We still can’t really believe it thank you.

Here is a sneaky peak at the next group looking for new homes. We really hope that you like what you see. 

Sign up to our mailing list to be first to hear about the next release #5 coming Nov/Dec 2020


The fairies are fundraising


Fairy release #3 coming soon…